PE – Multiskills and games

The children got to make their own games this week and we played some.

  1. We had a L.O.L game where if you’re tagged you have to make an L shape then 2 other children have to come and make the other O and L to release you to spell L.O.L. This was Sophie Green’s game.
  2. Zara made a mermaid game where if you got tagged you had to flap your feet like a mermaid fin until you were tapped on the head to be released.
  3. Vinnie made a zombie game where if you were tagged you became a zombie and could tag others. The last person to be tagged was the winner.
  4. Charlie Robinson and Samuel made a game called ‘Cat, Dinosaur, Roman’ where you have to freeze like a cat, dinosaur or a Roman when tagged and wait to be released by a tap on the arm.


Measurement – Maths

The children have been looking at measuring and comparing lengths and heights with metres, centimetres and cubes. Usain Bolt can run 100m in 9.68 seconds so the children predicted how fast they could run in 10 seconds and went onto the yard to measure their distance in metres and centimetres. Our furthest distance was Finley Waterson with 52m and 60cm, well done Finley! Well done to all children who ran and tried their best too! Wed measured the width of our school hall in a class team and the children were very accurate and concluded that the hall width is 11m and 72 cm.


Phonics Meeting

Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting tonight.

Mrs Fearby and I hope you are now more aware of the Phonic Screening Test and ways to support your child at home.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school.

Miss Scothern & Mrs Fearby