
A very big thank you for all the lovely gifts.  I am overwhelmed with your kindness.

We have had a wonderful year in Class 2 and I am very proud of the progress of each and every child.  May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support.

Have a lovely break and I’ll see everyone back in September all refreshed and raring to go.

Best wishes,

Miss Scothern

Governors Awards

Congratulations to Finley H, Finley W and Georgie who all won an award today.  They have all showed great determination in all areas of the curriculum this year and through this have achieved so well.

Miss Scothern is very proud of you all.

Making Lemonade

We loved making our very own lemonade for the Summer Fair.  We hope you liked it!

100% attendance this week

Well done Class 2!

We are very proud to have achieved 100% attendance this week.  As a treat we spent some time outdoors having fun.

Bruce & Ethel Lizard Visit

Learning lots of facts about lizards and their habitats.

Thank you to Mrs Green for sharing them with us.