Science Experiment – Is it waterproof?

Today in science class 2 looked at waterproof materials. They investigated which materials were the most waterproof and learned how Charles Macintosh invented the first waterproof material in the world.

Times Table Rock Stars – Battle of the Bands

times table rock star 2

Class 2 and Class 3 are competing in the Battle of the Bands this week on Times Tables Rock Stars.  The battle starts on Monday 25th March at 5pm and finishes at 9am on Friday 29th March. The children should continue playing in the ‘Garage’ and ‘Arena’ sections.  Every correct answer counts!


Homework this week is to earn as many points as possible on Times Tables Rock Stars.


Certificates will be given to children who take part in the battle.

Let’s rock and see if we can beat Class 3!





Congratulations to all the children who received an attendance certificate.

History – Quill & Ink


We have been writing with a quill and ink, just like Samuel Pepys did when writing in his diary.

History – Putting out fires in 1666

Did you know there was no fire brigade during the Great Fire of London?

Today we have drawn a scene from 1666 to show the equipment people used to try and put out the fire.