A number of parents have approached school about their children having missing jumpers.  It is advised that all items of your child’s uniform are clearly labelled including shoes.

Please have a check this weekend to make sure you do not have any jumpers that don’t belong to your child.

Many thanks

Maths – Investigating making number sentences with the digits 6, 7 and 8

More collaboration and maths talk when investigating making different number sentences.

Have a try at investigating the set of numbers below.  Remember to record your answers by drawing your tens and ones.  Return to school for 3 smiley’s.

investigating maths 058


Class 1 and Class 2 enjoying there time at art club.

Can you help?

After our visit to Beamish we would like to have a try at making a clippy mat.

Do you have a a wooden mat frame we could use or know someone who could make us one?

Can you spare a few hours to help us make it?

If you can answer yes, please come and speak to Miss Scothern.

Thank you